Sanda Kickboxing VS Muay thai

How are they DIFFERENT?


When delving into the world of combat sports through YouTube videos showcasing Sanda Kickboxing versus Muay Thai, it's clear that both disciplines boast impressive techniques and strategic depth. Both Sanda and Muay Thai are built on a foundation of superior kickboxing, agile footwork, and expert clinch work. However, understanding the unique characteristics and advantages of Sanda Kickboxing can highlight why it might be the preferred choice for many martial artists.

Wrestling VS Clinch:

One of the defining features of Sanda Kickboxing is its integration of diverse wrestling techniques, including single legs, double legs, hip throws, reaps, and trips. This inclusion not only diversifies the skill set of its practitioners but also introduces a dynamic aspect to the clinch that is less prevalent in Muay Thai.

In Sanda, the approach to the clinch is uniquely adapted to counterbalance the risk of takedowns. Fighters maintain a cautious distance, keeping their hips back, which significantly enhances their defensive capabilities against lifts and throws. This strategic positioning in the clinch is a testament to Sanda’s comprehensive defense strategies and its emphasis on maintaining control and balance, making it an intriguing aspect of its training regimen.

Unlike Muay Thai, where the clinch involves close contact to leverage knees and elbows—since takedowns are not a concern—Sanda's format necessitates a broader range of tactics. This not only makes bouts more unpredictable and exciting but also challenges fighters to develop a robust set of defensive and offensive skills.

Difference in the Ring:

Sanda contests are uniquely held on a raised platform known as a 'Lei Tai,' devoid of ropes, creating a dynamic where fighters can score highly for throwing an opponent off the platform. This element adds a thrilling layer of strategy not found in the conventional ring of Muay Thai, where ropes limit such maneuvers. The Lei Tai encourages Sanda fighters to master the art of control and force, pushing their spatial awareness and tactical acumen to new heights.

Impact on Range and Footwork:

The broader engagement range in Sanda Kickboxing, necessitated by the integration of wrestling, allows fighters to execute longer-range kicks and punches. This strategic distance is pivotal in mitigating the risk of takedowns and showcases Sanda’s unique adaptation to the complexities of mixed martial arts. The need for such range mastery makes Sanda practitioners exceptionally versatile fighters, capable of adapting to various combat scenarios with ease.

Sanda’s emphasis on a stable yet mobile stance prevents fighters from marching forward recklessly, promoting a more calculated and thoughtful approach to closing in on opponents. This contrast sharply with Muay Thai, where the lack of takedown threats allows for a more upright and aggressive forward march.

Pros and Cons of Sanda Kickboxing:


  • Develops a dynamic and varied kickboxing style that is both high-paced and technically diverse.

  • Excellent for mastering stand-up throws and wrestling techniques, providing a robust foundation for those looking to transition into mixed martial arts (MMA).

  • Enhances adaptability and strategic thinking due to the need to manage distance and execute complex maneuvers effectively.


  • While Sanda’s clinch work is effective within its context, it may offer less depth compared to Muay Thai’s specialized clinch techniques.

Sanda Kickboxing is not just another martial art; it's a comprehensive combat system that challenges its practitioners to develop a broad skill set from striking to grappling, providing an excellent base for those aspiring to compete in MMA or simply looking to enhance their self-defense capabilities. For those intrigued by the tactical depth and dynamic nature of Sanda Kickboxing, I invite you to join us at the Sanda Kickboxing Academy in Brixton, London, where you can experience firsthand the thrill and challenge of Sanda under the guidance of some of the UK's finest coaches. Click here to book your free trial and embark on a journey that transcends ordinary martial arts training. We eagerly await your arrival and are excited to help you unleash your true potential

Sanda Kickboxing VS Muay Thai